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Assault Lawyer Concord, NH

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Facing Assault Charges With Professional Representation

Our Concord, NH assault lawyer is here to help those charged with assault and other violent crimes. We know that the aftermath of being charged with assault can be a frightening and confusing time, and our team is here to provide the professional guidance and passionate representation that you receive. Our attorneys will work hard to protect your rights and your freedom.

With over 10 years of combined experience assisting clients charged with crimes in New Hampshire and Maine, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to provide you with the dedicated legal defense that you need. Our satisfied clients appreciate our “knowledgeable, professional, and dedicated” service as well as the “personal touch” that we strive to provide to all of our clients. Leif A. Becker founded our firm based on a desire to provide affordable legal services to those who need our help, and we are prepared to assist you with your case. To take a crucial step in protecting your rights when facing criminal charges, contact Becker Legal today.

How Our Assault Lawyer Can Assist You

Our Concord assault attorney will provide you with passionate service and a robust legal defense from the very beginning of your case. In our initial consultation, we will discuss your charges and the best route to take moving forward to protect your rights and work towards a favorable outcome together. Our team will launch a thorough investigation into your case, collecting witnesses and gathering evidence to build a strong defense against assault charges. Should your case go to court, we will provide thorough representation in the pretrial period and serve as a dedicated advocate for you in front of the judge and jury.

Understanding Your Assault Charges

In New Hampshire, assault and battery are categorized as simple assault, second degree felony assault, and first degree felony assault. Simple assault is a misdemeanor and is defined as intentionally or recklessly causing bodily injury or making unwanted physical contact to another person. If the assault charges stem from a mutually initiated fight, the charges can be lowered to a violation. Both second degree and first degree assaults are felonies. Second degree assault is defined as knowingly or recklessly causing serious bodily injury, recklessly causing bodily injury with a deadly weapon, or intentionally causing bodily injury to a child under 13 years of age. First degree assault charges occur when the serious bodily injury is caused intentionally or knowingly. Our New Hampshire assault lawyer will help you understand your charges, the consequences that you might be facing, and our strategy for your defense.

Contact Our Concord Assault Lawyer Today

No matter the severity of the charges you face, seeking representation as soon as possible is crucial. Our team is here to provide dedicated, personalized, and passionate service in your defense so that you do not have to face charges alone. We will ensure that your rights are protected and your side of the story is told in court. Contact our team at Becker Legal today to schedule your consultation.

How Is Assault Defined?

Assault is a term that often comes up in legal discussions, but it can be misunderstood by those not familiar with its specific legal definition as a Concord, NH assault lawyer can share. While many people might think of assault as purely physical violence, the legal definition is broader and can include threats or attempts to cause harm. At Becker Legal, we believe it’s important to clearly understand how assault is defined, particularly if you or someone you know is facing such a charge.

Legal Definition Of Assault

Legally, assault is generally defined as an intentional act that creates a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact. This means that physical contact is not necessarily required for an action to be considered assault. The key elements involve the intention to create fear or the actual attempt to cause harm, along with the victim’s perception of that threat.

For instance, if someone raises a fist as though they are about to strike another person, even if no physical contact occurs, that could be considered assault. The critical factor is that the victim reasonably believes they are about to be harmed. This definition differentiates assault from battery, where physical contact actually occurs as our attorney who was awarded the Seacoast 10 to Watch by Seacoast Online can explain.

Different Degrees Of Assault

Assault can be classified into different degrees depending on the circumstances. Simple assault typically involves threats or minor physical altercations without the use of weapons and without resulting in serious injury. On the other hand, aggravated assault is more serious and generally involves the use of a weapon, the intent to cause serious harm, or an assault on a particularly vulnerable individual, such as a child or elderly person.

The severity of the assault charge can also depend on the intent behind the action. For example, if someone makes a threat in the heat of an argument but has no actual intention of following through, that might be treated differently than if the threat was premeditated or part of a larger plan to cause harm.

Potential Legal Consequences

As our attorney who was awarded the Pro Bono Rising Star Award by the New Hampshire Bar Association can explain, the legal consequences of an assault charge can vary significantly depending on the degree of the offense and any aggravating factors. Simple assault charges might result in penalties such as fines, community service, or a short jail sentence. However, aggravated assault charges can lead to much harsher penalties, including longer prison terms and more substantial fines.

Additionally, an assault conviction can have long-lasting effects beyond the immediate legal penalties. It can impact employment opportunities, lead to difficulties in securing housing, and have a negative effect on personal relationships. Given these serious implications, it’s crucial to approach an assault charge with a clear understanding of the legal definition and the potential consequences.

How We Can Assist

If you or a loved one is facing an assault charge, it’s important to seek legal guidance as soon as possible. Working with a Concord assault lawyer can provide the support needed to navigate the legal process and build a strong defense. At Becker Legal, we have experience in handling assault cases and are dedicated to helping our clients achieve the best possible outcome. Contact us today for immediate help on your case.