Becker Legal

Theft Lawyer Concord, NH

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Protecting The Rights Of People Charged With Theft

In the aftermath of theft charges, our Concord, NH theft lawyer can provide the experienced legal representation that you need. We will work with you to build a strong case and a passionate legal defense of your rights. Our team assists clients charged with shoplifting, burglary, trespassing, arson and other theft-related offenses.

With over 10 years of combined experience assisting clients charged with crimes in New Hampshire and Maine, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to provide you with the dedicated legal defense that you need. Our satisfied clients appreciate our “knowledgeable, professional, and dedicated” service as well as the “personal touch” that we strive to provide to all of our clients. Leif A. Becker founded our firm based on a desire to provide affordable legal services to those who need our help, and we are prepared to assist you with your case. Contact Becker Legal today to schedule your consultation.

Theft Charges In New Hampshire

Our experienced Concord theft attorney can provide you with a robust defense against a variety of theft related charges including shoplifting, burglary, trespassing, arson, robbery, and theft. New Hampshire law defines theft as a crime in which someone “obtains or exercises unauthorized control over the property of another with a purpose to deprive him thereof.” Other offenses such as larceny, embezzlement, blackmail, false pretense, and receiving stolen property fall under the category of theft. Robbery charges are filed when a theft is committed with physical force or criminal threatening. Robbery is a felony and the charges can be even more serious if a deadly weapon was used or if significant bodily harm or death was inflicted upon the victim. By discussing your charges with our attorney, you can understand the full implications of your case as we begin building your defense.

Passionate Defense From Our Attorney

After our initial consultation, our New Hampshire theft lawyer will begin investigating your case and gathering evidence in favor of your defense. Important evidence such as photographs, videos, and witness testimony can help prove your innocence or reduce your charges or punishment. With detailed knowledge of the legal system, including knowledge gained from time spent in the district attorney’s office, our team has the experience and defense tactics that you need to defend your rights and your interests. Whether we are pursuing a dismissal or plea deal or attempting to clear you of your charges, our attorneys will fight passionately for you.

Contact Our Concord Theft Lawyer Today

If you are facing charges of theft or a related crime, it is important to begin building your defense as soon as possible in order to give you the best possible chance of a favorable outcome. Our team believes in providing passionate, dedicated, and comprehensive service to all of our clients. You do not have to face your charges alone. Contact our team at Becker Legal today to schedule your free, confidential consultation and take a crucial step in the right direction after criminal charges.

Punishments For Theft

Theft is a serious crime with a range of possible punishments depending on the severity of the offense, the value of the stolen property, and the offender’s criminal history as a Concord, NH theft lawyer can explain. Understanding the potential consequences of a theft charge is important for anyone facing such an accusation. At Becker Legal, we believe it’s essential to be aware of the various penalties that can result from a theft conviction, as these can significantly impact your life.

Misdemeanor Vs. Felony Theft

As our attorney who was labeled Pro Bono Rising Star Award by the New Hampshire Bar Association can share, the classification of theft as either a misdemeanor or felony plays a crucial role in determining the punishment. Misdemeanor theft typically involves the unlawful taking of property valued below a certain threshold, which varies by state. In many cases, this threshold is around $1,000. Punishments for misdemeanor theft can include fines, community service, probation, and in some cases, short jail sentences, usually less than one year.

On the other hand, felony theft involves the taking of property above the state’s threshold or theft involving certain aggravating factors, such as breaking and entering. Felony theft convictions carry more severe penalties, including longer prison sentences, higher fines, and extended probation periods. The exact punishment depends on the specifics of the case, including the value of the stolen property and the defendant’s prior criminal record.

Sentencing Factors

Several factors influence the severity of the sentence for a theft conviction. The value of the stolen property is a primary consideration. Higher-value thefts typically result in harsher punishments. Additionally, the manner in which the theft was committed can affect sentencing. For example, theft involving deception, coercion, or the use of a weapon is likely to lead to more severe penalties.

A defendant’s criminal history also plays a significant role in sentencing as our attorney who has been awarded Seacoast 10 to Watch by Seacoast Online can attest. Repeat offenders or those with a history of similar crimes are more likely to face harsher penalties. In some cases, prior convictions can elevate a misdemeanor theft charge to a felony.

Additional Consequences

Beyond fines, jail time, or probation, a theft conviction can have other long-term consequences. A criminal record can make it difficult to find employment, secure housing, or obtain professional licenses. In some cases, individuals convicted of theft may also be required to pay restitution to the victim, covering the value of the stolen property or any additional losses incurred as a result of the theft.

Moreover, some states impose mandatory minimum sentences for certain types of theft, particularly if the crime involved violence or other aggravating factors. These mandatory sentences limit the discretion of judges and can result in lengthy prison terms, even for first-time offenders. A lawyer will be able to walk you through these different sentences.

How We Can Help

If you’re facing theft charges, it’s crucial to understand the potential consequences and explore your legal options. Working with a Concord theft lawyer can help you navigate the legal process and build a strong defense. At Becker Legal, we have experience handling theft cases and can assist you in pursuing the best possible outcome.

Facing a theft charge is a serious matter, and the penalties can be significant. If you or someone you know is dealing with a theft accusation, don’t wait to seek legal advice. Contact our lawyers today to discuss your case and protect your rights. We’re here to help you through this difficult time.